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Download MP3s

If you’re a music fan like me, you probably spend about half the time you’re online downloading MP3s. It’s easy and it’s cheap, so why not? However, MP3s, despite their versatility, are quite often difficult to download.

Download MP3s: The Role of FTP

You might have experienced getting an error message from a music site while trying to download MP3. And sometimes, MP3 search engines give you hits where links are busy or broken. The reason for this is that HTML browsers are not a powerful enough tool to meet the typical requirements to download MP3.

To download MP3s efficiently, what you need is an FTP server. FTP or File Transfer Protocol is the online tool used in downloading and uploading files. It is one of the simplest and safest ways to exchange files over the Internet. Because of this, FTP is the thing that feeds the MP3 music craze, online auctions, and online gaming. FTP is also used by website creators who use it to transfer files back and forth.

Download MP3s: The FTP Site

An FTP site functions like a huge, digitized filing cabinet. The owner of the site organizes, labels, and keeps certain files in his computer available for public view. Like in a traditional filing cabinet, you also need a ‘key’ to access the FTP site. This virtual key is the UserID and Passwords.

There are two ways to create an FTP connection to a server. You can use your web browser, e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator, Mozilla Firefox, etc., to access a site and download MP3s or other files. You can also use a dedicated FTP software program, termed as an FTP Client.

Download MP3s: Browser vs. FTP Client

When you use web browsers to upload and download MP3s, you often encounter difficulties. For instance, you have a dial-up connection and you’re trying to upload a file into your webpage. Oftentimes, it takes forever just to upload one single file just by using your web browser. Also, downloading documents through a simple browser are not protected and there’s every chance that your files might get corrupted during the whole process.

When you use an FTP Client on the other hand, uploads and downloads are smooth and easy. Plus, you also have added security. Other additional features include the capability to resume a download when you were unable to successfully finish it. This is especially helpful to people who have dial-up connections and frequently lose their Internet connection.

Download MP3s: The FTP Client

An FTP client is a type of software used when transferring files back and forth over the Internet. Examples of an FTP client are Kazaa, Napster, imesh, Streamload, and more. The programs are available for a certain dollar amount and once you get them, you can start to download MP3s without hassle. Note that some of these software programs have free trial versions which you can download and install into your computer.

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